dissabte, 25 de març del 2017


CLIL PROJECT - Teresa Casas

In 5th grade we did The Tangram, an interdisciplinary Project.

The project included different subjects: Maths, English, ICT and Art.
Students learnt about the origins of The Tangram, they experimented with the tans, investigating how to make polygons, their areas and perimeters ...
They also created a game for the school, Tangram Animals.



In 6th grade we did a Project  called Travelling  around the world by playing in Physical Education

Rosa Rovira CLIL project from rrovira9@xtec.cat on Vimeo.

This project was about learning games from different countries around the world but specifically those countries which are represented in our school.
The topic included three subjects: Physical Education, Social and Cultural Environment Knowledge and English.
Students developed both content and language knowledge by learning different games. The main goal was to explain games properly.

dilluns, 20 de març del 2017

School Day of Non-Violence and Peace

Last 30th January we celebrated the School Day of Non-Violence and Peace together. 
Some students read the Human Rights in different languages and 
we sang the song "Vull sentir-me estimat". 

Here you have the photos